Meeting My Surgeon

Published on 2 April 2024 at 20:49

Hey friends,

So, let me take you on a journey – a journey to the day I met my surgeon for the first time. Buckle up because it was one heck of a ride!

Walking into that hospital, my heart was doing the cha-cha. Meeting the person who's going to cut into your body is no small thing, you know? But hey, I had my game face on, armed with a list of questions that could rival a TED talk.

Memorial Sloan Kettering – sounds fancy, right? Well, let me tell you, it's more than just a fancy name. It's where I found my peace of mind, my rock in the storm. From the moment I stepped through those doors, I knew I was in good hands.

Now, let's talk about the main event – meeting my surgeon. Picture this: me, sitting on that crinkly paper-covered exam table, feeling like a contestant on a medical game show. But you know what? My surgeon waltzed in with a smile that could light up a room. Instantly, I felt like I could breathe again.

First things first, they snapped some pics. No, not for Instagram – though I did consider it for a hot minute. These pics were for a different kind of documentation. You see, they needed to know exactly where to make the cuts, and let me tell you, there's nothing quite like having someone take pictures of your boobs to make you feel... well, seen.

But jokes aside, having those photos taken was actually a relief. It meant my surgeon was paying attention to the details, leaving no stone unturned. And let me tell you, attention to detail is crucial when you're talking about surgery.

Then came the Q&A session. Cue my list of questions – a mix of the practical and the downright existential. My surgeon fielded them like a pro, putting my mind at ease with each answer. From recovery time to potential risks, nothing was off-limits. And let me just say, having your questions answered by someone who knows their stuff is like a warm hug for your brain.

So, there you have it – my first meeting with my surgeon. Nerve-wracking? Absolutely. But worth it? You betcha. Because in that moment, I knew I was on the right path, heading towards a future free from fear.

Until next time,

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